The Nitrogen Cycle Media

In this page it will show you about an article related to The Nitrogen Cycle. It will also showed you videos that would be useful for this topic.

1st Media:

Summary of Article

o   Patrick Ball and his research team discovered a type of bacteria that transforms ammonia into nitrate. It was found in a greater abundance, recently in burned sites. Despite the recent fire the bacteria had made rates of nitrification higher and greater. This means that nitrogen is being processed faster through ecosystem than without a fire. The research was reported in July 2010 by the American society of agronomy.
o   Nitrogen is often a limited nutrient that is found in coniferous forests soils. The research results revealed a link between fire, charcoal deposition, nitrification, and abundance of nitrifying organisms. The team has demonstrated that the charcoal can stimulate nitrate production.

2nd Media:

In this video Dr Undergrad will be explaining the Nitrogen Cycle and how they were formed and process.